Thursday, January 26, 2012

Live Life Forever: its never too late...

My name is Muhammad Ali.I suffer from mental health problems and I have depression!

For most of us we are reluctant to share issues regarding our mental health. This is because we do not recognize the actual meaning of ‘mental health’. Mental health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is  "a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community".  But for most of us, these are just extreme psychotic diseases. This is not the case; psychological problems can take many shapes like depression, anxiety, mood swings etc. These problems can affect the human body and can lead to other major chronic diseases if not dealt with in time.

Back in time, walking through the hallways at my university I could not really feel the difference between me and other people around me. I always thought my mental health was perfect. Until later one day I realized while sharing it with my doctor that I suffer from depression and anxiety. It is not only me; there may be many more victims of mental health problems in that hallway roaming around unaware of their problem. However, the issue is that people these days are hesitant to share their mental health issues, in fear of a change in the attitude of the society towards them. From my experience, sharing one’s problems with their loved ones or even doctor makes a big difference. Doing so was my first step towards a healthier me and a contented life.

My area of research will focus on the people who suffer from mental health issues and never share them with anyone because of the fear which lies deep inside them. Most of the people suffering from such problems are students like me, whose psychological issues are never let out and are unnoticeable amongst most of us. These issues might not seem to be a major part of our lives, though their effect on us is immense and can make all the difference in our lives. Therefore, I believe that it is an issue of high concern for all of us and as a student myself; I know how living healthy, physically and more importantly mentally can have a positive impact on our lives.

 Identifying the problem and accepting it is the first step towards getting better. Staying positive and getting to know yourself better leads to the road to recovery from these problems. My diagnosis taught me to accept my problems and not be shy to share them, because I want you to consult your doctor for a better & healthy living. It is never too late…